
Update on Publication Process (12 October 2022)
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Email notice from the Chief Editor, the 8th International Conference of EACEF 2022
Guide on how to create account and submit to Morressier:
The 8th International Conference of EACEF 2022 provides several publication opportunities. Submitted papers will be reviewed by the International Scientific Committees of the Conference.
New update on August 1st ,2022
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science indexed by SCOPUS and Others.
*Accepted papers will be asked for Proof Reading and similarity Certificate
e-Poster Publication:
The participants can choose also e-Poster (without full paper) as their research publication. Authors must prepare their e-Poster using EACEF templates (click section Call for e-Poster).
All the e-Posters will be published in the website
*The printed Poster will be shown during the technical sessions.